10 Ways People Flop Their Physique Goals >>

01. They expect BIG gains from a short term investment.

“I’m going to do a 4 week cut.”

“I’m going to focus on building muscle over holiday break.”

Sound familiar? These goals take months. They’re like growing grass. You can’t just throw seeds down & expect a full, lush lawn in 4 weeks.

02. Their training approach doesn’t align with their physique goals.

Don’t confuse lifting the most amount of weight you possibly can with building the most muscle you can. Mechanical tension & progression are the main training priorities with physique focused goals. One without the other won’t accomplish much when it comes to building muscle. Lift as heavy as you can while prioritizing these principles & eventually making those “lighter weights” heavy ones!

03. They’re not eating enough calories and/or protein.

Enough said. Nearly 99% of the women I work with came to me not eating enough, consistently, to support their physique goals.

04. They’re not sleeping enough.

**Strolls into the gym on 5 hours of sleep while dry scooping a pre-workout**

Sleep impacts everything, your performance, your recovery, your mindset…your PROGRESS.

05. They don’t take the time to transition into or out of phases like fat loss.

Raise your hand if you’ve eaten in a caloric deficit, successfully lost weight, and then gained it back.

Phases like fat loss & muscle building require pre & post transitional phases (ie: maintenance or a reverse diet) to ensure you can sustain the results (& feel good doing it!)

06. They don’t know how to be consistent outside of their typical routine.

 It’s important to have a variety of tools & strategies at your disposal so you can navigate different situations! Most folks will “fall off the wagon” because they only know how to navigate food in a very controlled setting (ie: home cooked meals, weighing & tracking, etc.)

07. They don’t know how to navigate emotions & how they influence decision making.

Emotional eating includes ALL emotions (stress, boredom, sadness, happiness, etc.) If you don’t have the knowledge or tools to navigate it, physique focused goals can seem impossible!

08. They fixate on the outcome & undervalue the process.

There’s going to be moments where you’ll feel discouraged & the juice won’t seem worth the squeeze. When we find value in the daily process, we’re far more likely to stay consistent long enough to achieve the physique focused goals.

09. They expect predictable, linear results.

Progress will ebb & flow on a daily basis while the long term trend points in the direction you want to go. This means sometimes the scale will be up when it “should” be down or you’re not able to hit that PR in the gym like you thought you would. Seeing the forest through the trees is critical! Otherwise, you’re far more likely to give up.

10. They ONLY set physique goals.

The more well rounded your goals are, the more likely you’ll be able to see that forest through the trees. If you can see progress in your mindset, your ability to navigate situations better, your training execution, your strength…you’ll see your progress DAILY.

Ready to break the cycle?


Training & Nutrition Spectrum


How to Feel Better in Your Body Without Cutting Calories