Training & Nutrition Spectrum

What is it?

The Nutrition & Training Spectrum is a scale that displays the vast amount of possibilities that lie between two extremes commonly portrayed in the media: 1.) a sedentary lifestyle with no nutrition awareness and 2.) a competitive athlete. At Rebellious, we’ve noticed the in-betweens are rarely talked about; it’s either fast food and chronic illness or extreme diet protocols and exercise regimes. The truth is, you and the overwhelming majority of the people you know will feel like your best selves when you’re navigating somewhere in-between.

As you work towards setting future goals for yourself, keep in mind that behind every goal are habits that support them. If you’re a 30 year old working mother of two or a first responder or (just really busy!) your success is dependent on setting goals that require habits that are realistic for you, that you enjoy, and that make you happy.

This is why if you’ve ever tried to adhere to extreme habits, like those of a competitive athlete, to feel better in your body, chances are, they left you feeling a whole lot worse.

We created the Nutrition & Training Spectrum as a tool to help people make better informed lifestyle goals. Goals that are aligned with how they want to feel, what they want their days to look like, and what they actually enjoy (vs copy & paste goals plastered all around social media.)

Goals & the Habits that Support Them.

Below you’ll find examples of daily habits & the degree in which they vary depending on the type of goal set. As you’ll see, the more specific the goal, the more precision, accuracy, and ultimately sacrifice required. One isn’t inherently better than the other. It’s more like Goldilocks: which one is just right for you?

Nutrition Tools

& Strategies

Lifestyle Flexibility

Sleep & Hydration


Keep in mind: where you’ll fall on the spectrum will change over time. Certain phases in life allow for more capacity for specialized goals. For example, if you’re a new parent, Lifestyle+ to Hybrid will probably suit you best. Focusing on a stressful professional goal for the next 6 months? More flexibility might help you balance your fitness and physique goals during that time.


10 Ways People Flop Their Physique Goals >>